A Simple Way for Lawn & Garden Professionals
to Increase Sales

The groSMART soilCORRECTION Test System Includes:

  • Laboratory soilCORRECTION Analysis
  • Results & User Dashboard
  • Customized soilCORRECTION Plan
  • Customized Product Recommendations

groSMART for Lawns


groSMART for backYARD Farming


Help Your Customers groSMART!

Laboratory soilCORRECTION Analysis

groSMART Business is designed to significantly enhance how your business services and retains customers. Using science, a powerful algorithm and an easy to understand four season plan groSMART Business gives a lawn, landscape and garden grower a new reason to call your store ‘home’.

The groSMART System includes:

  • Laboratory Soil Analysis
  • Results & Customized soilCORRECTION Plan
  • Customizable Product Recommendations
  • User Dashboard to Manage Multiple Customer Tests

Your customer can rest assured that the products being recommended are based on his unique needs, supported by scientifically-derived results, all made available by your staff.

groSMART soilCORRECTION is Perfect for:

Lawn & Garden Centers


Lawn Care Operators

Use SCIENCE to Grow Profits

Powerful Upselling Tool
Partnering with Prescription Soil Solutions provides your lawn & garden center a powerful upselling to, linking scientific analysis and recommendation to your specific product line.

Backed by Science
Soil analysis and recommendations are delivered by an independent science lab for accuracy and integrity.

Differentiate Your Business
Set your business apart from competitors with a one-of-a-kind program of soil analysis, customer advice, and fulfillment.

Make Your Staff the Experts
Prescription Soil empowers your staff with science to recommend the right products for your customers lawn and gardening success.

Generate Year-Round Sales
Our 4-season nutrient management plan returns customers to your store for fulfillment of the products they need to maintain their landscape.

What Our soilCORRECTION Analysis Tests For

We analyze for the following nutrients and properties showing those components that may fall below an optimal level necessary to achieve the best possible growing conditions for your soil type:

  • Soil pH
  • Organic Matter %
  • Capacity to Retain Nutrients
  • Soil Deficiencies